How to Release Fish
Here are general “common sense” measures to release fish to minimize harm ?
- Keep the fish wetter longer. Its good practice to hold your breath when you pull a fish from the water, and try to return it before you have to breathe. Use
- Keep your pilers on you so you can quickly unhook your fish.
- Always use a lending net when you lift the fish from the water – even small fish. The net better supports the fish’s body, and prevents “stretching” that happens when fish are just simply lifted without a net. If you do grip the fish by the lip and lift the fish without a net, like so many anglers typically do, use your other hand to support the weight of the fish’s body for the same reason. Pier fishing does not allow this, so if you are going to fish ff a pier or other type of high structure, use a telescoping net to remove the fish.
- Have a camera set up for a quick “selfie” so it only takes a few seconds. And when you pose with the fish, use both hands to support the fish’s body.
- Use circle hooks and/or barbless hooks. If your concerned about reduced hook-up rates, partially crimp down the barbs. This may be a happy medium. This is a personal choice, but if you practice with circle and/or barbless hooks, you will improve your setting hook and landing fish skills.
- Treat every fish you catch with RESPECT.
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