Has fishing lost something, somehow, somewhere along the way?
Has fishing lost something, somehow, somewhere along the way ?
This is a question I ask myself many times. For me, my short answer is yes. The longer answer is that fishing can be disappointing, frustrating, and stressful at times. I find myself cursing when I get snagged up, lines tangled, forget something, the wind is blowing too hard, other fisherman are disrespectful, when I get skunked, and many other trials and tribulations I experience while fishing.
Additionally, with all the high-tech use of front-sonar-scan, fish finders, and other “video games” some fishermen are equipped with, it seems as if fishing has lost some of its charm and natural, fundamental simplicity that makes fishing so great. I am not knocking all of the fishing technology. But, in my opinion, it takes away from the natural appeal of fishing and diminishes our ability to rely on our instincts, knowledge, skill, and good old luck, which are key elements to what makes fishing special.
I try to recapture what fishing has “lost”. For me, this means taking it easy on myself, enjoying every opportunity to fish, not relying on any “high-tech” devices to locate fish, and taking no more than two rods with me.
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1 Reply to “Has fishing lost something, somehow, somewhere along the way?”
I agree.